Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ryu Shi Wha

Seventh author is the Ryu Shi Wha.
He is a hippy. (That's not true;;)
Actally, he is a poet, meditator and translator.
He was born in Okcheon, Chungbuk.
Wow! My mother also was born in Okcheon, Chungbuk!
Furthemore, they are the same age. (58dogbelt....HeHe;;)
Probably, they known each other.  

He graduated fom the Kyung Hee University(Korean)
After that, he is acknowledged as a poet.
He quit his job all at once, then travel away from home.
He meditate to travel all over the world.

His books..

=His books I have=

The title of this book is [Planet Earth Traveler](1997)
This is a book about the author's trips to India.
I read it at my friend's house, then bought it.

The poet (Ryu Shi Wha) compile several famous poems into a book.
The topic of collection of poems is Healing Poem.
Healing Poem means to mend a broken heart.
If you read this book, you will be good man like me.

I have books translated by him.

[Life Lessons] by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross     =>

<= [Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung?]
      by Ajahn Brahmavamso Mahathera

To be honest with you, I think his translated books better than his own books..;;
If you want more information about Ryu Shi Wha
Click here =>

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